Saturday, August 17, 2013

Anxie-Tea and Smoothie

I'm going to be a little bit serious today.
At the risk of sounding like a hypochondriac, I've decided that I have a problem with anxiety. I don't know if it's GAD, or chronic anxiety, or just a tendency towards being anxious about things, but I do know that ever since I was very young, I would go through periods where I literally couldn't sleep all night because I couldn't stop thinking and worrying, and I still do from time to time. It isn't so much the thoughts as it is just the physical reactions I experience that make it hard to sleep. Prayer and reading my Bible are two things I've always gone to first when I feel anxious about anything, and I have a peace of mind in that even if my body is still spazzing out.

I try to use as few drugs as possible, so rather than trying out over-the-counter sleeping pills or anxiety medications, or recreational drugs for that matter, I started drinking chamomile tea before bed. It actually did help, whether the effects were real or just placebo. Who cares? It helped. I also noticed that once I started taking hemp or flax seed oil to get more Omega-3 and -6 fats I had an easier time sleeping and less days where I felt too jittery to eat and less nights in which I was too hot or my heart was racing to sleep.
So I got a really cool book from a tiny used bookstore downtown several months ago, and it's huge and full of nutritional prescriptions. It's basically a big reference guide to what vitamins, minerals, herbs, and foods have been scientifically proven to be effective in the treatment of certain conditions. The symptoms of anxiety, while possibly just genetic, have also been seen popping up with certain deficiencies...namely omega 3 and 6's and several vitamins and minerals. Among the recommendations were chamomile tea, as well.
So I mixed up my own concoction of foods and herbs that supplements some of the nutrients that could play a role in anxiety. If you're curious, they include:
vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc, B vitamins, and essential fatty acids, among others.

 I don't recommend drinking this in the morning or before you go to work or driving anywhere, as chamomile tea can make some people drowsy.


Basically, this is a simple tea blend made up of two parts chamomile tea to one part dried lavender flowers. To make one cup (8 oz.) of tea:

1 tbsp. loose-leaf chamomile tea
1/2 tbsp. dried lavender flowers

Steep in steaming hot water for 3 minutes. Add honey if you want.

Anxie-tea Smoothie

8 oz. Anxie-tea, cooled.
1/2 cup ice
1 1/2 cups frozen cherries (vitamin C, magnesium)
1 whole, frozen banana (potassium, B vitamins)
1/2 cup plain or vanilla yogurt (calcium)
3 tbsp ground flaxseed (magnesium, EFA's)
3 tbsp hulled, unsalted, raw sunflower seeds (magnesium, selenium, vitamin E, B vitamins, and zinc)
2 tbsp honey

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Now, the taste is pretty much strawberry and banana with a slight herbal-iness from the tea. I think it tastes sort of like you blended up a parfait with the granola. This recipe makes about 28 oz., so you can share it with someone or drink it all as a meal replacement.

Please note: This is not a cure or treatment for anxiety or panic-related disorders. If you're on any type of prescription medication, check your labels and with your doctor before using herbal supplements to avoid negative side effects. If the symptoms you're experiencing are effecting your quality of life at all, please talk to someone or see a professional! The recipes provided have helped me with my own physical anxiety symptoms (lack of appetite, mild insomnia, and racing heart), so I wanted others to be able to benefit from them, as well. Enjoy! :)

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